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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Lawrence, Bruce B., "Introduction: Ibn Khaldun and Islamic Ideology." In Ibn Khaldun and Islamic Ideology. Edited by Lawrence, Bruce B.. 2-13. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1984.
Series: International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology, 40
Notes: Review see Azmeh; Brett; Chodkiewicz; Little; Wagner.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Khaldun
2. Lawrence, Bruce B., "Ibn Khaldun & Islamic Reform." In Ibn Khaldun and Islamic Ideology. Edited by Lawrence, Bruce B.. 69-88. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1984.
Series: International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology, 40
Notes: Review see Azmeh; Brett; Chodkiewicz; Little; Wagner.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Khaldun
3. Lawrence, Bruce B.. "Ibn Khaldun and Islamic Reform." Journal of Asian and African Studies 18, 3-4 (1983): 221-240.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Khaldun
4. Lawrence, Bruce B.. "Introduction: Ibn Khaldun and Islamic Ideology." Journal of Asian and African Studies 18, 3-4 (1983): 154-165.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Khaldun
5. Lawrence, Bruce B.. Review of Slave Soldiers and Islam: The Genesis of a Military System, by Daniel Pipes. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 16, 1 (1982): 97-98.
Subjects: Military/Social relations



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